Environmental suits:

Whenever starship personnel visit planets with hostile atmospheres or enter the vacuum of space, they must wear environmental suits. While a Federation environmental suit is comfortable and light, it is still somewhat inhibits an untrained wearer’s mobility.

An environmental suit protects its wearer from pressure extremes (from the vacuums to five atmospheres worth) and temperature extremes (from –100 c to 120 c). They are not heavily armored, however, and are easily punctured by most melee weapons, projectile and energy weapons. Most suits automatically repair rips and tears (self-sealing punctures of minimal damage). The wearer must manually patch larger punctures; each suit carriers six easily accessible patches.

The suit itself consists of full-body jumpsuit with removable gloves and a transparent helmet, as well as gravity boots which allow the user to walk on solid surfaces in zero-gravity and even climb steep surfaces under extreme gravity—one may even attempt to walk clumsily on ceilings under full gravity (1g).

A small belt-pack houses the suits life-support system. Based on micro-replicator technology, the life-support system can purify air and recycle drinking water for up to 25 hours. Wrist controls on the suit activate various functions; Gravitic boots, a built-in communicator, and visor- and helmet- mounted lights. The energy signature produced by environmental suits is easily detectable by most sensors, making it nearly impossible to hide while wearing one.

Medical Kit:

On away team missions, Starfleet doctors and medics carry medical kits and medical tricorders. A kit contains an auto-suture, a dermal regenerator, a hypospary and a neural stimulator. With these items, a doctor can perform most routine and emergency medical procedures on-site. Patients with severe illnesses or injuries must however, receive full diagnosis and treatment in a sickbay facility. A medical kit’s devices are designed to work on all known humanoid life forms and on most DNA-based non-humanoids.

Personal Access Display Device (PADD):

Personal access display devices are among the most common tools in the Federation; nearly every crewmember and almost every inhabitant of an advanced planet has her/his own PADD. In essence, it is an extremely powerful hand computer capable of holding several billion pages of text and pictures in two isolinear optical chips. It consists of a high-resolution touch-sensitive screen as well as several multi-function touch pads. It also contains a subspace transceiver equal in power to a commbadge; a user can communicate, uplink to upload and download data, and even control a starship from up to 40,000 kilometers away, and in some advanced models utilizing interplexing beacon variants, far longer ranges.

Civilians use these devices to keep track of appointments, play games, and communicate with various planetary computer networks. On a starship, PADD’s are often used to send and receive reports and to access the ships computer. While its size significantly limits its ease of use, a PADD can be configured to take over the functions of a starship control panel or workstation. However, the usual slower response time of a PADD makes this highly irregular for common uses and would require special command level clearance in most instances.

PADD’s allow users access only authorized functions. Command staff members know override codes, which allow them, access to any ship function with a PADD.

Personal Communicator (Combadge):

Intraship voice communication on Starfleet vessels are primarily performs via personal communicators housed in Starfleet badges worn by all crewmembers. Subspace radio frequency (SRF) signals are picked up by local antennae, routed to local subprocessors, then through the optical data network (ODN) to the intended recipient. Voice AI routines are quite intelligent, and able to understand conversational and contextual cues to route transmissions properly.

Conversations may be ended with the properly context word “out”, by opening a channel to another party, or by a ten-second pause.

Ship-to-surface communications are very similar in performance. IF a channel is opened to an away team member, the computer, which remembers that the member has recently transported or shuttled off ship and continues to keep tabs on her/his location while in range, routes the subspace signal to the subspace transceiver. Combadges have an effective range of about 500 meters under commbadge power to more than 40,000+ kilometers if supported by local main communications devices. Personal communicators can be activated by voice as well as touch. A dermal sensor verifies the users identity.


Tricorders are extremely compact and powerful sensory devices In addition to a broad array of miniature electromagnetic, magnetic, audio, chemical, and subspace sensors, tricorders includes extremely detailed databanks covering a wide range of scientific and historical information. The computer in the tricorders can rapidly identify life forms, materials, and energy sources, by comparing its sensory readings to its internal databanks. Tricorders can also attempt to analyze unknown life forms, materials, and energy sources, although complete analysis can require up to an hour. But during this time, the tricorders can still perform other, less involved tasks. Tricorders contain subspace communicators with ranges comparable to those of personal communicators. Tricorders can send and receive data of all types, logging onto starship computers or other distant networks.

Engineering Tricorders;

Engineering Tricorders include special engineering peripheral (EP) appended to one end of the device. The EP contains specialized sensors capable of detecting slight energy fluxuations in addition to a wide variety of engineering particles and exotic power signatures. The EP also houses an extensive database documenting all ships and devices used by known species, and a detachable high-resolution probe. The remote probe only has a range of two meters, but can determine the exact physical composition of any substance, as well as identifying precise details such as minute energy residues or micro fractures and material flaws in an object structure..

Medical Tricorders:
Medical Tricorders have a special medical peripheral (MP) attached to one end. The MP contains specialized biosensors used to collect information and compare it to data in its vast internal database. The database contains anatomical files detailing more than 2000 species, in addition to containing medical information pertaining to hundreds of thousands of diseases, illnesses, infections, and similar medical phenomena.

MP sensors can identify a subject’s species and detect vital signs within a range of 25 meters. Within 5 meters, the sensors can analyze a beings internal structure, in a manner similar to a 20th-century CAT scan, to detect broken bones, internal injuries, and the like. The MP also contains a detachable high-resolution probe. The remote probe only has a range of one meter, but is capable of extremely refined sensory input, including DNA typing, blood chemistry analysis, and detection of all known drugs, poisons, bacteria, and viruses.   


Standard Defensive Weaponry

Phasers remain the standard weapons issued by the Federation and its allies. The common Starfleet models include the small hand-held phaser Type 1, carried as a hand weapon on many occasions and able to fit within the palm of a standard humanoids hand, and the larger Type II, issued only when there is a significant threat of violence, about the size of a 20th century ‘flashlight’. Each has variable beam settings ranging from 1-8; 1-4 being stun settings, and 5-8 being ‘kill’ settings. The phaser Type III, or phaser rifle, rarely sees action, although are stocked on all Starfleet vessels and facilities in secure weapons arsenals for deployment in appropriate situations. They have beam settings as high as 16, and the basic model contain gyro-stabilization, autonomous targeting sensors, etc. Other more advanced military variants of the phaser rifle are produced, such as the Type III-A through III-C phaser rifles that contained advanced compression technology and higher beam settings of 17 and 18, and are deployed in a more military aggressive fashion, rarely deployed to starships seeing standard phasers are usually more than enough to deal with any threat situations. (Phaser rifles and other more militant oriented weaponry is discussed in the ‘Military Equipment’ of this section.)

Regardless of the model, all Federation phasers contain a subspace transceiver, allowing a ship or facilities computer to monitor the usage. This limits all on board to setting 3 (Heavy stun) or lower unless authorized by the command staff. If desired, the firing button can be set to the users bioelectric field, so only the users designated user can use the weapon. Skilled tampering can override these safety interlocks. Other species energy weapons may or may not possess similar features.

Phasers project a beam of rapid nadions (highly energetic, short-lived subatomic particles). These particles can produce a wide variety of effects, depending upon their energy state. A low setting, phasers produce bioelectric shock capable of stunning most targets. At moderate settings, the beam heats the target. At higher settings, a phaser beam causes subatomic disruption, which can vaporize moderate-sized objects or cause larger objects to explode. A user can set a phaser to fire in four distinct modes; standard beam, pulse, continuous beam, wide-beam. Similar weapons may or may not possess all these firing modes.

In addition to being powerful weapons, phasers make useful tools. On standard beam settings, a firer can use a phaser to clear undergrowth in the jungle or carve wood, metal, or rock. On wide beam mode, she/he can use a phaser to heat rock and radiate warmth in cold climates, as well as clear obstacles like snow, ice, or vegetation.

The energy stored in phasers is done so through sarium krellide power cells. Phasers can be recharged by plugging them into the standard power taps of a ship electro plasma system, or by attaching them to portable sarium krellide units (like small portable generators). It takes about one minute to restore ten charges worth of phaser energy.

Standard Phaser Types:

Type I

Settings: 1-8

Range: 5/10/25/50 meters

Size: 12 cm long, 0.3 L in volume

Mass: 0.2 kg

Energy: 160 charges

Type II

Settings: 1-16

Range: 5/20/50/100 meters

Size: 25 cm long, 0.8 L in volume

Mass: 0.6 kg

Energy: 1,000 charges

Types III

Settings: 1-16

Range: 5/40/80/150 meters

Size: 55 cm long, 1.6 L in volume

Mass: 1.1 kg

Energy: 1,500 charges

Type III-A

Settings: 1-16

Targeting: (Enhanced module unit)

Range: 5/45/85/160 meters

Size: 62 cm long, 2.0 L in volume

Mass: 1.4 kg

Energy: 1,500 charges