Rigel IX/T'ap
World Log:
- System Name:
- Number of Class M
- Planetary Data
- Position in System:
- Number of
Satellites: 0
- Planetary Class: K
Planetary Gravity: 0.1 g
- Planetary Size
- Diameter: 6,438
- Equatorial
Circumference: 19,006 km
- Total Surface
Area: 178,901,270 sq km
- Percent Land
Mass: 100%
- Total Land Area:
- Planetary Conditions
- Length of Day:
8 standard years
- Atmospheric
Density: N/A
- General Climate:
- Mineral Content
- Normal Metals: 27%
- Radio actives: 38%
- Gemstones: Trace
- Industrial Crystals:
- Special Minerals: 6%
- Cultural Data
- Dominant Life Form:
Uninhabited/ Sub-teranian mining colonies/Wayover Stations and Fueling
points operated by Orion/Various alien species
Technological/Sociopolitical Index: 9825671-82
- Planetary Trade
Rigel's IX, X, & XI, are
various Class K worlds with several colonized inhabitants occupying pressure
domes. Settled by Early Orions and utilized by the Former occupants of the
system, these worlds were primary refueling and stopover bases for various
starbases of these long forgotten races. Various structures can still be found
on the surface of the planet, dating back at least 32,000 years.
T’ap, being a relatively
small and unremarkable orange, rock and ice faced planet, has a vast resource of Dilithium,
like all of the Rigel outer planets. Like Sol VII, T'ap's axis only allows
sunlight on one portion of the planet, while the other side remains in relative
darkness unless lit by one of Rigel's secondary stars.